Thursday, June 26, 2014

E-Cigarette Juice: Disbanding the Myths

E-cigarettes are in hot debate and they are coming under more scrutiny everyday. This is not necessarily a bad thing because they are relatively new products, which – until recently – did not have a lot of testing. Lately, e-cigs have gone under the microscope and have been tested and quite a few of the main myths have been disbanded. This comes with a grain of salt of course. Trusted e-cigarettes should always be bought from trusted brands – just like any other product. Trusted e-cigarette brands are in the business of STAYING in business. They don’t want their products to be taken off the shelf because they aren’t safe. The three myths below have been in hot debate and now there are some cold hard facts to shed some light on the situation.

• MYTH 1: E-cigarettes Aren’t Safe 

This is not true. In the past, people didn’t have the facts to whether they were harmful or not because no tests were done. Certain companies have had different tests done on their products that revealed the ingredients and the amount of harm they can do. The Ruyan e-cigarette – one of the first e-cigs on the market – went through extensive research to determine what was actually in their products. The research found that the Ruyan e-cigarette,

“Is very safe relative to cigarettes, and also safe in absolute terms on all measurements we have applied. Using microelectronics it vaporizes, separately for each puff, very small quantities of nicotine dissolved in propylene glycol, two small well-known molecules with excellent safety profiles, – into a fine aerosol. Each puff contains one third to one half the nicotine in a tobacco cigarette’s puff. The cartridge liquid is tobacco-free and no combustion occurs.” 

The last part of the quote above is especially telling. As a tobacco-free product, there is no actual combustion occurring. Water vapor is emitted and not tar filled smoke. The lack of combustion and tar makes the e-cig automatically safer than a conventional cigarette.

• MYTH 2: We Don’t Know What Is In E-cigarettes 

This is also not entirely true. Although there have not been tests on every single brand, the tests that have been done do show what is in certain brands of e-cigarettes. Another study was conducted on the NJOY brand of e-cigarettes. The study broke down the detectable traces of all ingredients. The test results found that,

 “A total of 22 organic chemicals were found at detectable levels in the aerosol. The major constituents were found to be propylene glycol, glycerol, water and nicotine. Minor constituents were primarily FDA-approved flavoring agents, and two nicotine derivatives.” 

Most e-cigarette companies are following suit to Ruyan and NJOY, but they do not have enough funding to have research done to prove otherwise. •

MYTH 3: E-cigarettes Haven’t Been Tested 

As previously stated, most companies are following the same personal guidelines and providing a safer alternative to smoking, but – as startup companies – they are putting everything into producing quality, affordable products. If they had the funding to do it they would. As a new product, it will take time to get proper research done to verify what these companies are already telling you. The fact that e-cigarettes produce water vapor as a non-tobacco product makes them already safer than conventional cigarettes. Tar as a result of cigarette smoking is a huge concern and e-cigarettes have already done away with that.

The Truth Is Out 

E-cigarettes get a bad rap because they are the new kid on the block and threaten the big tobacco companies. This leads to added pressure for research. Bigger companies with more funding have no problem having research done on their products, but where does this leave the small businesses jumping on this expanding market? This pressure for research and lack of funding in some companies is what creates these rumors in the first place. It will take some time for all the research to be out, but it will be clear that electronic cigarettes are the safer, cheaper alternative.



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